Museum Projects

Museum Projects offers the chance for volunteers to learn about the heritage of Indonesia by actively supporting the cultural institutions of Indonesia.

The Museum Projects section is aligned with the IHS as a non-profit organization supporting the Museum Nasional Indonesia and later extended its support to Museum Fatahillah, Museum Seni group, Galeri Nasional, Museum MACAN and other Jakarta-based cultural institutions.

Our activities are always subject to the direction of the Museum Curators and staff and fall into three broad categories: translation, inventory, and preparation of information material. Translation mostly concerns translation to English of texts prepared by Museum staff in Bahasa Indonesia. Inventory work includes photographing, measuring and describing objects on display and/or in storage, and collating the results in book form. Information material includes boards for items on display, booklets, greeting cards, etc. We have had various projects in four Museums in Jakarta.

Please contact if you would like more information.

Museum Projects Activities Showcase

Museum Tekstil Conservation Project

Ibu Ari from Museum Tekstil (now at Museum Bahari) initiated the idea of a conservation project with volunteers from IHS, headed by Marianne Scholte and Elaine Chan. The initial work streams were as follows:

  1. Museum library inventory and online catalog.
  2. Lab work: Checking the condition of textiles for defects and doing preventative conservation.
  3. Loom room: Restoration of the loom room as appropriate, headed by Regina Moss.
  4. Disaster preparedness planning.

Available in publication and digital app.


Museum catalogues prepared by IHS Volunteer Janneke Koster over several years working together several volunteers from IHS.

Exhibition ‘Bastion Culembor – Zero Meridian Titik Nol’ assisted by Arnoud Haag, IHS Museum Projects.

Esri Indonesia (ArcGIS) Collaboration


Providing a GIS Mapping and Digital Storytelling Platform used in historical map-based research workshops held online by Museum Projects.

Under Museum Projects a Digital Historical Maps Library has been developed, which is open to the public. This project is supported by Esri Indonesia.
