Study Groups
Discover Indonesia and join like-minded friends to learn together about Indonesia-related topics in IHS’s selection of various Study Groups. They are a wonderful way of increasing your knowledge of this fascinating place we live in and present an opportunity to meet new friends with a common interest.
Study groups are run on a “do a little, gain a lot” philosophy, and each study group meet regularly offline or online via Zoom (weekly, biweekly or monthly) to learn together in a supportive and fun environment.Study group topics vary ranging from culture, literature, history, and art so have a read of the below to see what may suit you in terms of interest and timing. Please email for any further clarification.
Alfred Russel Wallace Study Group
INDONESIA’S AMAZING BIODIVERSITY: Study Wallace’s travels and discoveries in Eastern Indonesia – his theory of evolution, the Wallace line and fauna of Wallacea; explore the Indonesian archipelago through its diverse flora and fauna, the Rim of Fire (volcanoes), coral seas, national parks, and more wherever your interests take you. Meet on the 3rd Friday of each month at 10:00 hrs..IHS Library and/or Zoom. Contact:
Art Study Group
INDONESIAN ART AND ARTISTS: study famous Indonesian artists: Raden Saleh, Affandi, Basuki Abdullah, and President Soekarno’s collection of paintings and statues; early European artists in Bali; Balinese art, contemporary Indonesian art; visit galleries and exhibitions in Jakarta, Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta; attend art auctions; follow trends in the art market. Meet 2nd Friday of each month. IHS Library and/or Zoom. Contact:
GMT Study Group
ZOOM MEETINGS FOR MEMBERS IN EUROPE AND INDONESIA. Missing Indonesia? Stay in contact with friends in Europe and Indonesia. A wide range of interesting topics are discussed. Last year the theme was Early Travelers to Indonesia. The 2024/25 theme is The Ethnic Kaleidoscope of Indonesia. Study trips within Europe are also arranged. Meet last Thursday of the month at GMT 13:00, WIB 20:00. Zoom. Contact:
Literature Study Group
For all Book lovers, we created this group for you. We meet monthly and focus on books relating to Indonesia, both fiction and non-fiction. Our aim is to get to know Indonesia better through its writing, to discuss our views, and to get to know fellow members from all over the world with similar interests in a smaller group setting. Our discussions are always very lively and take place in person at the IHS Library or Online via zoom. Participation is free, members are responsible for getting their own copy and will need to pre-register.
Music Study Group
ANGKLUNG – WEST JAVA BAMBOO ORCHESTRA. Learn to play traditional West Java musical instruments – Angklung, Gambang and Bass – under the direction of an expert teacher. Create your own orchestra, build friendships, and perform traditional Indonesian music with this enchanting bamboo sound. Contact:
Night Study Group
Enjoy learning about Indonesia’s rich heritage and culture in the evenings from the comforts of your home. Night Study Group (NSG) hosts informative talks online for Friends of IHS, family, and friends on various topics such as arts, culture, culinary, history, and heritage. On the second Wednesday of each month, IHS friends meet online, listen to a presentation on a topic related to Indonesian heritage, and have an interactive Q&A session with the speaker.
Our monthly program is publicized in the weekly E-news, Website, and Social media, do join us for an evening that will enlighten and delight you.

Pak Zahir - Indigo (October 2022)

NSG Poster
Nusantara Study Group
We are a continuation of the Indonesian “Ancient Civilizations” study group that has been active for several years beginning with “Prehistory Civilizations.” This study group meets online once a month via ZOOM with an active WhatsApp chat. We have active members from New Zealand to Europe. This group is for members interested in the History of Indonesia.
Textile Study Group
TRADITIONAL TEXTILES OF SUMATRA AND THE NORTH COAST OF JAVA – Theme 2024/25: After learning about the royal court batiks of Yogyakarta and Solo last year, the textile journey will continue along the North Coast of Java. This year, the Group will study batiks from Sumatera to Madura island; visit museums, meet collectors and artisans, and have a study tour to Madura.

Textile Display at IHS Library

Textile Display at IHS Library

Textile Study Group

Show and Tell Session

Textile Lecture